Medical Accreditation
Self Assessment & CPD
Many colleges require their members to self-assess their own CPD points. The number of claimable points/credits/hours varies depending on the college and also whether or not you are a speaker or a delegate. Each medical conference include a minimum of 16 hours of academic content per 7-day conference, across the span of 4 days. In general, speakers will be able to attract more CPD points than delegates. After each medical conference you will be provided with a Certificate of Attendance and the academic agenda for your CPD/CME records.

Physicians & Surgeons
Based on our reading of the CPD-Curriculum Framework outlined by the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists sessions could attract points under the Domain 1 – Educational Activities.
According to our reading of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists Continuing Professional Development Standard, Anaesthetists can allocate self-directed CPD points for the medical conferences. CPE Conferences fall under the category of ‘Knowledge and Skills’. For Delegates, lecture content will attract 1 credit per hour. For Speakers, 10 credits per presentation are claimable.
Based on our reading of the Royal Australian College of Physician’s 2023 MyCPD Framework, our academic content would accrue hours under the CPD Category 1 – Educational Activities. Each conference has a minimum of 16 hours of academic content.
Based on our reading of the College of Intensive Care Medicine of Australia and New Zealand’s CPD Activity Framework, Intensivists will be able to allocate self-directed CPD points for our conferences under Educational Activities. Each conference has a minimum of 16 hours of academic content.
The RANZCR CPD Program is a self-directed and self-reporting program. It is our understanding that Radiologists that attend our conferences would attract CPD hours under Educational Activities.
Based on our reading of the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia’s CPD Program, the content at our conferences would fit under ‘Category A Code 7: Local, national or international conferences, courses, seminars, workshops and forums’. As substantiation and consistent with the guidelines, you will be provided with a certificate of participation and the academic agenda. In addition to general participation, speakers could claim hours under ‘Category B Code 23: Preparation of a lecture, tutorial or other teaching activity ‘.
Based on our reading of the Australian College of Dermatologists’ CPD Program, the content at our conferences accrues hours under Educational Activities as Meetings and Conferences. As substantiation and consistent with the guidelines, you will be provided with a certificate of participation and the academic agenda.
Based on our reading of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists’ CPD Handbook, the content at our conferences accrues hours under Educational Activities as Meetings, congress, conference, workshops and webinars.
Based on our reading of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists’ CPD Handbook, the content at our conferences accrues hours under Section 4: Self-Guided Learning.
GPs and Emergency Physicians
This organisation is an RACGP-accredited CPD Provider under the RACGP CPD Program. Full attendance at all sessions of each conference attracts 16 Educational Activities hours.
Based on our reading of the Australian College for Rural and Remote Medicine’s CPD Framework, our conferences attract CPD under Educational Activities. If you are a rural GP attending an upcoming medical conference please contact us to request that the particular conference seeks college accreditation.
Based on our reading of the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine’s CPD Activity Guide, delegates could self allocate the hours attended as Educational Activities. If you would like us to seek formal accreditation with ACEM for one of the upcoming conferences, please register for the conference at least 3 months’ in advance and notify [email protected] that you are requesting that we apply.
At this stage we do not seek accreditation through any formal channels nor do we provide specific advice about whether you could claim CPD for Nurses, Physiotherapists, Pharmacists, Psychologists and other Allied Health professions. However, we regularly have conference delegates from these professions. Our academic agendas include medicolegal content such as sessions on being an Expert Witness, Medical Negligence, Complaints management and documentation which are relevant to all health professionals. In addition to this, we also cover general medical content. Please email our team if you would like to see examples of past agendas.
Other Colleges
If information about self-assessment for your college isn’t covered above and you would like to know more please contact us below.
If you have any further questions regarding CPD & Accreditation please email [email protected]
Do you need documentation or a letter for your employer to attend this conference?
Please email [email protected] and we will arrange this for you.

Legal Accreditation
Self Assessment & CPD
On our reading of the rules all our legal conferences attract CPD points, not necessarily in every strand but we aim to do at least one ethics point, one practice skills point and one mediation point at each legal conference. Thousands of barristers and solicitors over the years have obtained a portion of their CPD points at our legal conferences. Each legal conference has a minimum of 16 hours of academic content per 7-day conference, across the span of 4 days. As such delegates and speakers may choose the sessions that are most relevant to their practice and professional development. After each legal conference you will be provided with a Certificate of Attendance and the academic agenda for your CPD records.

According to our reading of the ‘Legal Profession Uniform Continuing Professional Development (Barristers) Rules 2015’ provided by the New South Wales Bar Association, 1 CPD point is earned for each completed hour of engagement in a CPD activity. We aim to cover at least one topic on ‘Ethics and Professional Responsibility’ and ‘Substantive Law, Practice and Procedure and Evidence’. Some legal conferences include topics on ‘Practice Management and ‘Barrister Skills’.
According to our reading of ‘The Victorian Bar Continuing Professional Development Policy 2016’, Victorian Barristers must earn 10 legal CPD points annually and 1 CPD point is earned for each completed hour of engagement in a CPD activity (Calendar year runs from April until the end of March). We aim to cover at least one topic on ‘Ethics and Professional Responsibility’ and ‘Substantive Law, Practice and Procedure and Evidence’. Some conferences include topics on ‘Practice Management and ‘Barrister Skills’. In addition to this, Speakers may also claim up one point per hour of preparation (maximum of 2 points).
According to our reading of the Bar Association of Queensland’s ‘Administration Rules’, Queensland Barristers must earn 10 legal CPD points annually, and 1 CPD point is earned for each completed hour of engagement in a CPD activity. (Calendar year runs from April until the end of March). We aim to cover at least one topic on ‘Ethics and Professional Responsibility’ and ‘Substantive Law, Practice and Procedure and Evidence’. Some legal conferences include topics on ‘Practice Management and ‘Barrister Skills’. Speakers can claim up to 3 CPD points per hour for their presentation.
According to our reading of the ACT Bar Association’s Continuing Professional Development Program Protocol, ACT Barristers must earn 10 legal CPD points annually and 1 CPD point is earned for each completed hour of engagement in a CPD activity (Calendar year runs from April until the end of March). We aim to cover at least one topic on ‘Ethics and Professional Responsibility’ and ‘Substantive Law, Practice and Procedure and Evidence’. Some conferences include topics on ‘Practice Management and ‘Barrister Skills’. In addition to this, Speakers may also claim up one point per hour of preparation (maximum of 2 points).
We are an approved QA provider for the WA Legal Practice Board, so that all our legal conferences attract points for WA solicitors & barristers (to a limit of 6 CPD points per legal conference). After each legal conference, you will be provided with a Certificate of Attendance and the academic agenda for your CPD records. Of the 4 core competency areas, we cover Substantive Law and at least one of the remaining three (Ethics and Professional Responsibility, Practice Management and Professional Skills).
Based on our reading of the Mandatory Continuing Professional Development rules all our legal conferences attract 1 CPD point per hour and we aim to cover at least one topic of the mandatory activities of: “practical legal ethics”, “practice management or business skills” and “professional skills”.
Based on our reading of the Law Society NT’s CPD Guide for Practitioners, all our legal conferences attract a rate of 0.5 CPD points per 30 minutes. We aim to cover at least one topic on each of the following compulsory fields ‘Professional ethics and Responsibility’ and ‘Professional Skills in Legal Practice’. Some conferences include topics on ‘Practice Management and Business Skills’.
There will be at least one session on mediation at each conference for the purpose of the CPD regime in the NMAS.
On our reading of the New Zealand Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Ongoing Legal Education – Continuing Professional Development) Rules 2013, our legal conferences meet those rules’ CPD requirements on the basis of a legal practitioner applying attendance at each session of the legal conference in accordance with that practitioner’s Continuing Professional Development Plan and Record (CPDPR) [Rules 4, 5 6 & 7]
Based on our reading of the Law Society of New South Wales’ Legal Profession Uniform Continuing Professional Development (Solicitors) Rules 2015, all our legal conferences attract CLE points at a rate of 1 CLE point per hour. We aim to cover at least one topic on each of the following compulsory fields ‘Ethics and Professional Responsibility’, ‘Professional Skills’ and ‘Substantive Law’. Some legal conferences include topics on ‘Practice Management and Business skills’. Each legal conference has a minimum of 16 hours of academic content, as such delegates and speakers may choose the sessions that are most relevant to their practice and professional development.
Based on our reading of the Victorian Law Institute’s ‘Legal Profession Uniform Continuing Professional Development (Solicitors) Rules 2015,’ all our conferences attract CPD points at a rate of 1 CPD point per hour. We aim to cover at least one topic on each of the following compulsory fields ‘Ethics and Professional Responsibility’, ‘Professional Skills’ and ‘Substantive Law’. Some conference include topics on ‘Practice Management and Business skills’. Each conference has a minimum of 16 hours of academic content, as such delegates and speakers may choose the sessions that are most relevant to their practice and professional development.
Based on our reading of Queensland Law Society’s Guidelines on CPD compliance for Queensland solicitors most sessions attract 1 CPD point per hour. In addition to this, each legal conference covers content under the mandatory core areas of ‘Practical Legal Ethics’ and ‘Professional Skills’ and some conferences have content on ‘Practice Management and Business Skills’. Each conference has a minimum of 16 hours of academic content, as such delegates and speakers may choose the sessions that are most relevant to their practice and professional development.
Based on our reading of the ACT Law Society’s ‘A continuing professional development scheme for Canberra’s legal practitioners’, all our conferences attract CPD points at a rate of 1 CPD point per hour. We aim to cover at least one topic on each of the following compulsory fields ‘Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility’, ‘Professional Skills’ and ‘Substantive Law and Procedural Law’. Some legal conferences include topics on ‘Practice Management and Business skills’. Each conference has a minimum of 16 hours of academic content, as such delegates and speakers may choose the sessions that are most relevant to their practice and professional development.
We are an approved QA provider for the WA Legal Practice Board, so that all our legal conferences attract points for WA solicitors & barristers (to a limit of 6 CPD points per legal conference). After each legal conference, you will be provided with a Certificate of Attendance and the academic agenda for your CPD records. Of the 4 core competency areas, we cover Substantive Law and at least one of the remaining three (Ethics and Professional Responsibility, Practice Management and Professional Skills).
Based on our reading of the Mandatory Continuing Professional Development rules all our legal conferences attract one point per hour and we aim to cover at least one topic of the mandatory activities of: “practical legal ethics”, “practice management or business skills” and “professional skills”.
Based on our reading of the Law Society NT’s CPD Guide for Practitioners, all our legal conferences attract a rate of 0.5 CPD points per 30 minutes. We aim to cover at least one topic on each of the following compulsory fields ‘Professional ethics and Responsibility’ and ‘Professional Skills in Legal Practice’. Some conferences include topics on ‘Practice Management and Business Skills’.
There will be at least one session on mediation at each conference for the purpose of the CPD regime in the NMAS.
On our reading of the New Zealand Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Ongoing Legal Education—Continuing Professional Development) Rules 2013,our legal conferences meet those rules’ CPD requirements on the basis of a legal practitioner applying attendance at each session of the legal conference in accordance with that practitioner’s Continuing Professional Development Plan and Record (CPDPR) [Rules 4, 5 6 & 7]
The Hong Kong Law Society has approved our legal conferences on a case by case basis which gives lawyers from many parts of the USA continuing education points via reciprocal arrangements.
Legislation is before the federal Parliament lifting the restriction on lawyers practicing in non-court migration matters (ie visas, visa issues and AAT reviews). Other priorities have delayed implementation of these laws but they will eventually be passed in the current Parliamentary term.
Lorenzo Boccabella, Lawyer and migration law specialist also conducts migration law CPD workshops which similarly attract legal CPD/CLE points across the various legal jurisdictions.
It is a whole new field of law and potentially a new set of clients. However it is not an area one can easily parachute into.
Do you need documentation or a letter for your employer to attend this conference?
Please email [email protected] and we will arrange this for you.

Dental Accreditation
Self Assessment & CPD
Based on our reading of the Dental Board of Australia’s Guidelines: Continuing Professional Development, many of our sessions attract relevant CPD hours as part of Clinically or Scientifically Based activities, under either Dento-legal responsibilities or specific topics on Dental health and closely related medical issues. For most other sessions, CPD hours are claimable under Non-Scientific activities. After the conference you will receive a Certificate of Attendance for your CPD records.
If you have any further questions regarding CPD & Accreditation please email [email protected]. For more information on a specific conference please register interest on the specific conference landing page. Choose the conference here.
Do you need documentation or a letter for your employer to attend this conference?
Please email [email protected] and we will arrange this for you.
Do you have questions about accreditation?
Please contact us via [email protected] and we will look into this for you.